Meursault - Lament For A Teenage Millionaire

So I was looking up some lyrics the other day (how terribly teenage of me), and noticed Meursault have a new album out, Something for the Weakened. A while ago it came out actually, I'm just behind.

So I listened to it on spotify. First impression was 'yeah, lots of strings and shit'. One week later and I was in a fully blown obsession. I even bought a hard copy in the best record shop known to man, Avalanche in Edinburgh.

I love bands with beautifully written lyrics, something Meursault have in such abundance. This song is also on one of their earlier albums, and it's almost unrecognisable... in fact I didn't realise how beautiful these lyrics were until I heard this new version. Revelation whaaaaa'.

[The version of Lament For A Teenage Millionaire from the album Pissing On Bonfires/Kissing With Tongues].

So much gusta. Buy their entire back catalogue immediately.


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