Peggy Lee & Bing Crosby - Slow Boat to China
I was trying to think about a song for my Nana and Poppa who died eighteen years ago yesterday, but I don't really have any musical memories of them. We must have inherited a tape / CD from my Poppa then of the Bing Crosby show (I think? I always used to get him confused with Frank Sinatra). Anyway, we used to always listen to it on repeat in the car when we went on holidays down the south of New Zealand so this reminds me of him.
I remember hearing a story about my Poppa when I was little (not sure if I remember it correctly... or am making this up...) that while my Poppa was in New York during the war he used to go dancing and one day he accidentally walked into Frank Sinatra... not sure how much of that is made up, but it's a good story!
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