Tom Williams and The Boat - Concentrate

I like it when my favourite songs are re-released, like this one. Especially when I had recently thought "I wish they would re-release Concentrate, and why didn't it have a video? Do they not like it as much as the other songs?" (I was in study hell at the time.) Then the other day I heard it was going to be re-released! How terribly mind readery.... well, how terribly half mind readery.

I like this song because from the first time I heard it I had an entire short film of it playing in my head, even though I'm not entirely sure what the song is about (I'm terrible with lyrics). I suppose it doesn't matter there's no music video, because it wouldn't be as cool as the one that plays in my head when I'm listening to it on the tube at 8:30am wanting to go back to sleep. 

(I especially like it when bands re-release songs without effing around with them... I'm looking at you Two Door Cinema Club!)


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