Frightened Rabbit - Swim Until You Can't See Land + I Feel Better

I've liked Frightened Rabbit for a few years now, they're the kind of band that never seem to be able to write a bad song. They're my favouritist Scottish band, and one of my favouritist bands. Even their B-sidey track Set You Free (though it probably technically was a single too) is soooo nice. It's my favourite cover in the history of everness.
I loved their last two albums (Sing The Greys and The Midnight Organ Fight) so much I was worried the new one would be disappointing and kind of ruin it. The new singles Swim Until You Can't See Land and Nothing Like You are however brilliant and having just heard the album, unsurprisingly it's lovely.
We saw them on my birthday in Edinburgh last year, which was an actual treat.

Some more FR loveliness:
Good Arms vs. Bad Arms
The Modern Leper 

"I feel better, and better, and worse, and then better"


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