Thirteen Senses - Thru The Glass

I randomly got the chorus from this song stuck in my head last night. Bloody lovely. According to I first listened to this on 13 Feb 2005. That makes me feel old. I also remember reading about them recording their 'new video' in Iceland, or Greenland or something. I wish this 'kind/genre/majig' of music would come back in 'fashion'. Because I miss a nice bit of ... nice music.

In 2004, when I was 17, we went on a School Tour to Stratford-Upon-Avon for English. I remember I went through about €500 in three days, on god only knows what. One thing I do remember is going into HMV and asking the assistant for Thirteen Senses, The Futureheads, and The Ordinary Boys CDs and he said "wow, you have good taste!" That was the first time I realised I really liked music, and that I craved the approval of fellow music geeks. Although I have now given up on HMV since the time I had to spell out "The Twilight Sad" to an uninterested zombie sales assistant who obviously didn't give a shit. That and they sell fucking Justin Bieber posters, and have shit all stock, and charge MORE than small record stores a lot of the time. Question mark. Exclamation mark.


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