Silverchair - Miss You Love

When I was back in New Zealand my sister listened to this radio station (Hauraki?) which was pretty much solid old school. It was so funny being back in New Zealand for the first time in nearly a decade and listening to songs I hadn't heard in about that time, flashback!

I got this song stuck in my head the other day, then I was thinking that I remember seeing them live back in the day... so I googled and yep, it was Summer Jam 2002 bitches. The line up included such NZ musical geniuses as Rubicon, Che Fu, and Tadpole... nopenopenope. One shady memory I have is this old dude was rubbing his pee-pee into my friends back for most of Silverchair. I'm pretty sure he should've been arrested because we were 14 but we just took the piss out of my friend.


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