Fleetwood Mac - Dreams
Another song that reminds me of a break up that I’ve never had. I understand that this song is about cheating, my brain draws its own conclusions, ok? I think I’m just easing myself into a winter mood. Let’s hope it doesn’t get too dark, if I start listening to too much Joy Division I’ll have to stage my own intervention.
I got home last week and was bitch slapped by jetlag for a week, then swiftly picked up an(other) infection, which was mildly debilitating, so I’ve only really just got back into life today.
Yesterday I did go outside and attempted Christmas shopping before just getting my hair cut. The lady says I have greys so I guess it’s all over for me now. Everyone has gone home for the Christmas break, it's weird and a bit lonely.
Today I cleaned the house then went out for lunch, before heading to the library to write. Well… I edited the half of a chapter I’ve written, outlined the rest, and created a table of contents. So basically I did nothing but 'planned' to make myself feel productive. Seven months to go and I'm 1/11th of the way through. You got this Hannah. JUST KEEP TELLING YOURSELF THAT.
"When the rain washes you clean you'll know."
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