Keane - We Might As Well Be Strangers
I got back from New Zealand last night after a thirty two hour journey. The trip was very mentally/emotionally taxing but it had to be done. I spent most of my last week there in Wellington with my sister and her partner. I briefly also went up to Waikanae again to see my godmother. I headed up to Auckland for a few days before leaving and really needed the break, or time alone, before I left. The only downer is that I came home to two dead fish... one had been dead for a while without anyone noticing, pretty grotty.
Recently my sister and I went to Dublin and saw the hotel we stayed at there back in 2004 when we saw Keane live. Supposedly the morning after the gig she text to ask if we should grab breakfast but I had already taken the train home without saying anything. Yeah, I've always been a bit of a strange one.
I've been obsessed with this one from the archives for a few days now. It reminds me of a break up I've never even had. It also reminded me that I saw them at Glastonbury in the acoustic tent. I had completely forgotten, probably because I was rolling my eyes the entire set because they were using a keyboard which clearly isn't acoustic. I'm such an eyeroll.
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