Morrissey - Irish Blood, English Heart

Basically, I'm fed up with the political situation/election campaign in England at the moment. Well, mainly the immigration situation. People say they're not being racist, but several times I've been told that people don't think immigrants should be allowed in the country, but that it's O.K for me to be because (and I quote) "You speak English as a first language." - insert, you're white, and from an acceptable country. If you're going to say stuff like that to me, please have some infomation to back yourself up, not recycled bullshit reminiscant of a BNP pamphlet.

It's not where you're from, it's what you contribute that's important, imagine if they sent all the 'immigrants' 'home' (what if they were born here?), who'd look after your teeth? Or run the hospitals? Or clean the loos in McDonalds? Part of me thinks it would be funny to say "Yeah, all immigrants must leave the country, but only on the condition that the millions of Brits living abroad come back" but I suppose that wouldn't be hypocritical then would it..... oh, and by the way.... it's ok for the 'Great British Empire'  to be built on the back of countries they colonised, to take their land (by force, or purchase) and often enslave/make second class citizens of the indigenous people for hundreds of years, but not ok for hard working people wanting a better life for their families to stay in the country because they happened to be born in the wrong place??? Last time I checked, Politicians and Bankers fucked this country up, stop blaming everyone else and sort your shit out people!! I'm hoping I've just had a few bad experiences, and that not everyone is so narrowminded, but I think I'm over living here either way...

Conservatives? Labour? Liberal Democrats? Fuck them all, I'm voting Green.

"I've been dreaming of a time when to be English is not to be baneful
To be standing by the flag not feeling shameful, racist, or partial."


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