Travis - The Beautiful Occupation
How are we here again, I mean it's not like we have any recent context to suggest bombing the fuck out of an unstable country won't work.
I feel like my head is going to explode with the full-fledged stupidity of it. It has to be a willful ignorance.
The UK draws so much of its sense of identity from the military, so of course regardless of the arguments against they must join in with the big boys to maintain their place in the world. It's this sort of attitude that fucked shit up in the nineteenth century when you were only considered a modern civilised country if you held colonies - and we all know that went so well.
Then, of course, don't let any people fleeing the conflict we're actively participating in actually come here to live a safe and dignified life. I'm sorry but to me 10,000 people over an undefined number of years is nothing. We can afford to bomb you, but we can't afford to help you because we're full to the brim you see. Just stay in a camp somewhere comfortably enough away from us so we don't have to think about it while for every £1 we spend helping you, £13 is spent bombing you (sup, Libya). Anyway, we have our own homeless people who we won't actually help but are a helpful excuse not to do anything if you're a bit on the racist side but can't admit it.
In the meantime, domestically we'll continue cutting vital services in the name of an ideology of austerity, while spending billions on defence that at best won't be needed, and at worst will be used to commit genocide (sup, Trident).
Women will continue to be murdered by their partners, men will continue to commit suicide at a disproportionate rate, and children will continue to end each others lives on our streets.
Yes, absolute poverty will increase, but as long as people cannot be found on official statistics, as long as we push them off the records by denying them help, we can say it's all working.
More people will be in employment, but we won't specify what type of work contract or level of pay they will be on, or whether this amount is enough to live off, particularly in relation to the cuts to in-work benefits and rise in the cost of living.
This is all while constructing a wall of damaging rhetoric to hide the real issues behind, encouraging ignorance, and associating all military action with safety so a country at peace is seen as weak and unstable.
Instead of using reason let's do what we want, and when it all inevitably goes to shit let's blame Corbyn and those damned Lefties.
"Half a million civilians gonna die today, but look the wrong way / Then read it in the headlines".
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